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Simple Hygiene Hacks That Could Save Your Life


In a recent article by Pets Reporter, people from all walks of life share their invaluable hygiene tips that they wish everyone would adopt. From basic practices to often overlooked habits, these tips serve as gentle reminders to keep ourselves and our surroundings clean and healthy.

Here are some key takeaways from the article:

  • Wash your hands. Researchers in London estimate that if everyone routinely washed their hands, a million deaths a year could be prevented.
  • Close the lid before you flush. it turns out flushing with the lid open can result in the dispersion of various unpleasant particles (imagine fecal matter, urine, and germs) into the air and onto surfaces in proximity.
  • Wash your pillowcase. Experts say you should launder them every week or at the very least every two weeks.
  • Clean your phone. Zap those nasty bacteria and germs with a microfiber cloth and some rubbing alcohol or disinfecting wipes.
  • Invest in a nail brush. Nails are like sponges; they pick up dirt and germs. Nail brushes sweep away dirt and grime with just a few swipes.
  • Floss daily. Brushing alone isn’t all you need to prevent gum disease and cavities. Have your dental hygienist show you how to do it right.
  • Scrub your feet. Showering without scrubbing your feet and toes is like eating half a candy bar. You can do it, but why?
  • Scrub your tongue. It can be a hotbed of bacteria. Drinking lots of water helps too.
  • No shoes in the house. Just think about where you last walked. Do you really want that on your floors? Wear slippers instead and have them available for guests.
  • Don’t touch your face. Your hands are constantly getting into all kinds of bacteria and germs that can get into your eyes, nose and mouth. Fight the urge to itch.
  • Clean your damn car! Messy car, messy life. Studies have shown dirty cars produce as much stress and unproductivity as a dirty house. Not to mention accidents.

Those are just a few hygiene tips that can help you stay healthier. What have we missed?